en el mapa de un MapView:
Private MapView1 As MapView
Private mp As MapPoint = MapPoint(36.490590, -6.238170) ' en honor de mi amigo, Romanorum Consul Shell
Private DrawingArea1 As DrawingArea
Public Sub Form_Open()
Dim pn As Panel
With Me
.W = Screen.AvailableWidth
.H = Screen.AvailableHeight
.Arrangement = Arrange.Fill
.Mouse = Mouse.Blank
End With
With MapView1 = New MapView(Me) As "MapView1"
.Map.AddTile("GoogleMap", "https://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&hl=&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}")
.Map.Zoom = 11
' Imposta il centro della mappa:
.Map.Center = mp
End With
pn = MapView1.Children[0]
DrawingArea1 = pn.Children[0]
Public Sub MapView1_MouseMove()
Dim pt As New Point(Mouse.X, Mouse.Y)
Dim lat As Float = MapView1.Map.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lat
Dim lon As Float = MapView1.Map.PixelToMapPointRel(pt).Lon
mp = MapPoint(lat, lon)
Public Sub MapView1_Draw()
Dim c, x, y, r As Short
Dim po As Point = MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp)
With Paint
.Brush = .Color(Color.DarkOrange)
.LineWidth = 2.0
.Arc(MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp).X, MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp).Y, 50, 0, 360, False)
.Arc(MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp).X, MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp).Y, 30, 0, 360, False)
.Brush = .Color(Color.Red)
.Arc(MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp).X, MapView1.Map.MapPointToPixelRel(mp).Y, 1.5, 0, 360, False)
r = 50
x = po.X
y = po.Y
For c = 0 To 360 Step 90
po.X = x + r * Cos(Rad(c))
po.Y = y + r * Sin(Rad(c))
.MoveTo(po.X, po.Y)
' Per ridurre la lunghezza della "x" per i gradi 0, 90, 180 e 270 è necessaria questa sequenza: +n 0 -n 0 che si ottiene con il Coseno di c.
' Per ridurre la lunghezza della "y" per i gradi 0, 90, 180 e 270 è necessaria questa sequenza: 0 -n 0 +n che si ottiene con il Coseno di c + 90.
.LineTo(x + (20 * Cos(Rad(c))), y - (20 * Cos(Rad(c + 90))))
.Brush = .Color(Color.Yellow)
.DrawText(Format(mp.Lat, "0.######"), x + r * Cos(Rad(270)) - (Me.Font.TextWidth(Format(mp.Lat, "0.######")) / 2), (y + (r + 15) * Sin(Rad(270))), Me.Font.TextWidth(Format(mp.Lat, "0.######")), Me.Font.TextHeight(Format(mp.Lat, "0.######")), Align.Left)
.DrawText(Format(mp.Lon, "0.######"), x + r * Cos(Rad(0)) - (Me.Font.TextWidth(Format(mp.Lon, "0.######")) / 2), (y + (r + 15) * Sin(Rad(0))), Me.Font.TextWidth(Format(mp.Lon, "0.######")), Me.Font.TextHeight(Format(mp.Lon, "0.######")), Align.Left)
End With