Private hProcess As Process
Private sBufer As String
Private sLast As String
Public Sub Form_Open()
If Exist(Config.CurrentFile) Then
If Stat(Config.CurrentFile).Type = gb.File Then
ButtonBox1.Text = User.Home &/ "test.mp3"
Public Sub Button1_Click()
Dim sCommand As String
sCommand = "mpg123 '" & ButtonBox1.Text & "'"
hProcess = Shell sCommand For Input As "Process"
Public Sub Process_Read()
Read #Process, sLast, -1024
TextArea1.Text &= sLast
music.Load(user.home &/ "Escritorio/marea.mp3")
(09-08-2021, 19:07)Shordi escribió: De todas formas, si lo que quieres es oír música, enlaza el componente gb.sdl2.sound con tu proyecto y despúes con éste código es suficiente.
(09-08-2021, 19:07)Shordi escribió: Ya que estamos... ¿Alguien sabe cómo averiguar cuántos segundos de duración tiene un mp3?Yo uso esto:
' Source:
Library "libtag_c:0.0.0"
Public Struct TagLib_File
dummy As Integer
End Struct
Public Struct TagLib_Tag
dummy As Integer
End Struct
Public Struct TagLib_AudioProperties
dummy As Integer
End Struct
' void taglib_set_strings_unicode(BOOL unicode)
' By default all strings coming into or out of TagLib's C API are in UTF8.
' However, it may be desirable For TagLib To operate On Latin1(ISO - 8859 - 1) strings In which Case this should be set To FALSE.
Private Extern taglib_set_strings_unicode(unicode As Boolean)
' TagLib_File *taglib_file_new_type(const char *filename)
' Creates a TagLib file based on \a filename.
Private Extern taglib_file_new(filename As String) As TagLib_File
' TagLib_Tag *taglib_file_tag(const TagLib_File *file)
' Returns a pointer to the tag associated with this file.
Private Extern taglib_file_tag(_file As TagLib_File) As TagLib_Tag
' char *taglib_tag_title(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns a string with this tag's title.
Private Extern taglib_tag_title(tag As TagLib_Tag) As String
' char *taglib_tag_artist(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns a string with this tag's artist.
Private Extern taglib_tag_artist(tag As TagLib_Tag) As String
' char *taglib_tag_album(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns a string with this tag's album name.
Private Extern taglib_tag_album(tag As TagLib_Tag) As String
' unsigned int taglib_tag_year(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns the tag's year or 0 if year is not set.
Private Extern taglib_tag_year(tag As TagLib_Tag) As Integer
' char *taglib_tag_comment(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns a string with this tag's comment.
Private Extern taglib_tag_comment(tag As TagLib_Tag) As String
' unsigned int taglib_tag_track(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns the tag's track number or 0 if track number is not set.
Private Extern taglib_tag_track(tag As TagLib_Tag) As Integer
'Private Extern taglib_tag_encoder(tag As TagLib_Tag) As String
'Private Extern taglib_tag_volume_number(tag As TagLib_Tag) As Integer
' char *taglib_tag_genre(const TagLib_Tag *tag)
' Returns a string with this tag's genre.
Private Extern taglib_tag_genre(tag As TagLib_Tag) As String
' const TagLib_AudioProperties *taglib_file_audioproperties(const TagLib_File *file)
' Returns a pointer to the the audio properties associated with this file.
Private Extern taglib_file_audioproperties(_file As TagLib_File) As TagLib_AudioProperties
' int taglib_audioproperties_length(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
' Returns the length of the file in seconds.
Private Extern taglib_audioproperties_length(audioProperties As TagLib_AudioProperties) As Integer
' int taglib_audioproperties_bitrate(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
' Returns the bitrate of the file in kb/s.
Private Extern taglib_audioproperties_bitrate(audioProperties As TagLib_AudioProperties) As Integer
' int taglib_audioproperties_samplerate(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
' Returns the sample rate of the file in Hz.
Private Extern taglib_audioproperties_samplerate(audioProperties As TagLib_AudioProperties) As Integer
' int taglib_audioproperties_channels(const TagLib_AudioProperties *audioProperties)
' Returns the number of channels in the audio stream.
Private Extern taglib_audioproperties_channels(audioProperties As TagLib_AudioProperties) As Integer
' void taglib_tag_free_strings(void)
' Frees all of the strings that have been created by the tag.
Private Extern taglib_tag_free_strings()
' void taglib_file_free(TagLib_File *file)
' Frees and closes the file.
Private Extern taglib_file_free(_file As TagLib_File)
Public Function Info(fileaudio As String) As Collection
Dim fl As TagLib_File
Dim autag As TagLib_Tag
Dim auprop As TagLib_AudioProperties
Dim secondi, minuti As Integer
Dim inf As New Collection
fl = taglib_file_new(fileaudio)
If IsNull(fl) Then Error.Raise("Impossibile caricare il file audio: " & fileaudio)
autag = taglib_file_tag(fl)
If IsNull(autag) Then Error.Raise("Impossibile ottenere i tag dal file audio: " & fileaudio)
inf.Add(taglib_tag_album(autag), "Album")
inf.Add(taglib_tag_artist(autag), "Artist")
inf.Add(taglib_tag_track(autag), "Track")
inf.Add(taglib_tag_title(autag), "Title")
inf.Add(taglib_tag_year(autag), "Year")
inf.Add(taglib_tag_genre(autag), "Genre")
inf.Add(taglib_tag_comment(autag), "Comment")
' Mostra le proprietà del file audio:
auprop = taglib_file_audioproperties(fl)
If IsNull(auprop) Then
inf.Add(True, "AudioError")
inf.Add(taglib_audioproperties_length(auprop), "Length")
inf.Add(taglib_audioproperties_bitrate(auprop), "Bitrate")
inf.Add(taglib_audioproperties_samplerate(auprop), "Frequency")
inf.Add(taglib_audioproperties_channels(auprop), "Channels")
' Va in chiusura:
Return inf
(10-08-2021, 20:16)Shordi escribió: Esta clase (de Vuott, supongo) me vendría bien, que ahora uso una llamada a shell
(10-08-2021, 20:16)Shordi escribió: En el sistema existe que parece servir para lo mismo, pero no usa los mismos símbolos
Public Function DurataMP3(s As String) As String
Dim ver_mp3, layer As String
Dim j, durata As Integer
Dim vB, lB, brB As Byte
Dim initium, bitrate As Short
s = File.Load(s)
initium = 1
For j = initium To Len(s) - 1
If (Asc(s, j) = 255) And (Asc(s, j + 1) > 241) And (Asc(s, j + 2) > 15) Then
vB = Asc(s, j + 1) And 24
Select Case vB
Case 0
ver_mp3 = "2.5"
Case 16
ver_mp3 = "2"
Case 24
ver_mp3 = "1"
End Select
lB = Asc(s, j + 1) And 6
Select Case lB
Case 2
layer = "III"
Case 4
layer = "II"
Case 6
layer = "I"
End Select
brB = Asc(s, j + 2) And 240
bitrate = EstraeBitRate(ver_mp3, layer, brB)
durata = Fix((Len(s) / bitrate) * 8)
Return tiempo(Format(Time(0, 0, 0, durata), "hh:nn:ss"))
Private Function EstraeBitRate(Vmpeg As String, layB As String, bitB As Byte) As Short
Dim velCamp As Short
Dim abit8 As Integer[]
Dim avelcamp As Integer[]
abit8 = [16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208, 224]
If Vmpeg = "1" Then
Select Case layB
Case "I"
Return bitB * 2
Case "II"
aVelcamp = [32, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384]
Case "III"
aVelcamp = [32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320]
End Select
Select Case layB
Case "I"
aVelcamp = [32, 40, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 176, 192, 224, 256]
Case "II" To "III"
aVelcamp = [8, 16, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 320]
End Select
velcamp = aVelcamp[abit8.Find(bitB)]
Return velCamp
Private Sub cargatiempo(sPath As String) As String
Dim tempo, salida As String
tempo = Temp()
Shell "ffprobe -hide_banner " & Quote(sPath) & " 2>" & tempo
Wait 0.1
If Not Exist(tempo) Then Return
salida = File.Load(tempo)
Return tiempo(Between(salida, "Duration: ", "."))