Ahora funcionará durante los próximos 100+ años..
Private Label1 As Label
Private Timer1 As Timer
Public Sub Form_Open()
Dim fuente As Font
Dim stexto As String
Dim ianchotexto As Integer
Dim ialtotexto As Integer
Dim dDate As Date
Dim iWork As Integer
Dim iYear As Integer = 2000
dDate = Date(iYear, 12, 25)
iWork = DateDiff(Now(), dDate, gb.Day)
Inc iYear
Until iWork > 0
fuente = Font["Noto,10,Bold"]
stexto = "Faltan " & Str(iWork) & " días para Navidad"
ianchotexto = fuente.TextWidth(stexto)
ialtotexto = fuente.TextHeight(stexto)
With Me
.Border = False
.Height = ialtotexto * 1.4 '% más de altura que el alto del texto
.Width = ianchotexto * 1.1 '% más de anchura que el ancho del texto
.Arrangement = Arrange.Vertical
.x = Desktop.Width - .Width
.Y = Desktop.Height - .Height
End With
With Label1 = New Label(Me) As "Label1"
.Expand = True
.Background = Color.Green
.Foreground = Color.Black
.Font = fuente
.Alignment = Align.Center
.Text = stexto
End With
With Timer1 = New Timer As "Timer1"
.Delay = 3000
.Enabled = True
End With
Public Sub Timer1_Timer()